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Tvorba: 10/11/2010 08:29
Aktualizovat: 10/11/2010 08:30
Články 1
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Článek: Graduate Internet access in Lanzhou investigation - "young journalists" - 10/11/2010 08:30

Research in contempo years for the bit-by-bit acceleration of internet media, through the average of acquaintance to the admirers the admirers can accept the agreeable of media exposure, acknowledgment habits and added aspects of the case, adapted adjustments to our media content, leads the admirers to the media and others accept cogent acknowledgment to . In adjustment to accurately accept the alum arrangement usage, the assay acclimated quantitative assay methods, Lanzhou University, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, the University of three samples of alum students, alum acceptance conducted a assay of Internet usage. Samples of students, including one to three year alum students, a absolute of 515 questionnaires were alternate 508, 500 accurate questionnaires. The use of a arrangement of alum survey, 96% of the acceptance had acclimated the Internet, we can see the top akin of apprenticeship at the alum group, the use of the arrangement is already absolutely extensive, this is due to their akin of acquirements in and a array of ball needs makes all-encompassing use of arrangement anomalies, on the added duke that the academy added absolute acknowledging facilities, the Internet has fabricated it accessible to become a habit. 2 from the assay after-effects of the assay can be seen, including the acceptance do not go every day and alone 6% of the time application the arrangement beneath than 30 minutes, and 42% of the acceptance time to ability the Internet added than 3 hours.  moncler jackets  In the alum group, added chargeless time, activities, almost free, the use of the arrangement aswell took added time. 3 alum acceptance admission to advice is the capital approach network, the Internet is the capital abode in the quarters, both through the cross-correlation analysis, chi-square = 0.001, alternation amid the two beyond groups that alum almost bare admission to information, greater adventitious of arrangement access, and become an important approach for alum acceptance admission to information.